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Wells Fargo Grant Helps Garden Flourish

Wells Fargo Grant Helps Garden Flourish
Editor's Note: The following story was published in an Aug. 5, 2015 NorthBay Healthcare employee newsletter.

There's something therapeutic about digging in the dirt, planting a few seeds, watching them grow and then harvesting the fruits of your labors.

Just ask any one of the program participants at the NorthBay Adult Day Center how much they enjoy tending to the vegetables and herbs in garden beds at the facility. "Gardening day is one of their favorite activities," says Sandy Perez, program manager.

And now, gardening at the Adult Day Center has become even more senior-friendly, with the addition of two large planters, built with funds from a Wells Fargo Bank grant.

"The garden beds are just wonderful," says Doreen Savage, activity coordinator at the center. "The participants have easy access to them because they are waist high. And, they're on wheels so we can move them around to make room for other activities on the patio.

"They really enjoy it," Doreen adds. "We have planted squash, tomatoes and herbs. We used the dill in our cooking class recently, and we added it to our tuna sandwiches. It was delicious."

Receiving the funds from Wells Fargo Bank is a much-appreciated gift, she adds. "We couldn't ask for anything better."
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